Ikuti Teknologi Solusi Masalah Sendiri

Ikuti Teknologi Solusi Masalah Sendiri

Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

Big Ideas 2014

Culture of Health
The U.S. spends $2.7 trillion a year on health care, more than any other country by far, and yet we are not healthy. Lots of people know this state of affairs is not sustainable. They also know that, to create a healthier nation, we must focus on more than just treating illness. We must create opportunities to pursue the healthiest lives possible, wherever we live, work, learn, and play. So, my big idea for 2014 is the emergence of a Culture of Health.
I realize “culture of health” may sound amorphous, but that’s good—almost every aspect of our environment and daily activities affects our health, so we need a big tent to address all the ways these factors interconnect. As the slide show below indicates, everyone has their own definition of a culture of health.* To me, it means a society in which each person has the opportunity to lead a healthy life, with adequate housing, educational opportunities, safety from violence, healthy food options, exercise, and of course, affordable, quality health care.

A desire for a culture of health is already emerging across the nation. It seems as though every week I hear about another business, community, or organization that is creating programs to tackle some of these issues. For example:
  • Cycling is gaining popularity in bike sharing programs in multiple cities, even the car-loving cities of Texas. In Fort Worth, the mayor holds Rolling Town Halls on bikes; Dallas requires new businesses to provide bicycle parking spaces; and El Paso is the state’s fifth city to approve the development of a bike-sharing system.
  • The number of college campuses that have adopted smoke-free policies has more than doubled from 2011 to 2013, bringing the total number to 1,182.
  • Corporations are increasingly concerned about the health of their communities as well as their employees. Campbell’s Soup has committed $10 million to cut hunger and childhood obesity rates in half by 2020 in the Camden, NJ area, where it is headquartered. It is working through a coalition of 10 community and educational organizations.
  • Canton, OH community leaders have joined forces with religious organizations, businesses, social workers, health care leaders, and residents of the struggling “northeast quadrant” neighborhood to revitalize the area, with housing, health, employment, education, and security at top of mind.
  • In New Orleans, public officials, schools, businesses, and community members joined forces after Hurricane Katrina to create a recovery plan that included a focus on nutrition, physical fitness, and equal access to quality health care for everyone.
  • The Healthy Places Initiative in Colorado is rethinking how to build parks, trails, plazas and residences in rural, suburban, and urban communities to inspire kids and adults to go outside and be physically active.
  • Health care institutions are starting to view their patients as partners, not passive recipients of treatment. A pilot of the Open Notes initiative, which encourages health care providers to share with patients their visit notes, found that 86 percent of the 19,000 patients enrolled read at least one note, and 60 to 78 percent of those taking medication said the notes helped them adhere to their regimen.

Creating a Culture of Health
Dr.Murali krishna
Orthopaedic surgeon at Longivity Intiatives
Big Ideas come from Big cultural Change.
Re Learn healthy way of walking.
Right Walking is an Important event in Human life.
Right Walking provides mechanical stimulus to all vital organs of the Human Body
Right Walking stimulates and controls Heart beating.
Right Walking spends the excess calories in the body.
Right walking increases the respiratory capacity.
Right walking spends the fat in the blood.
Right walking Provides stability, agility and speed.
Right walking Strengthens muscles of the neck, back.
Right walking Strengthens muscles of the lower limb.
Right walking provides stimulation to the kidneys so that it can work to the fullest capacity to help walking.
Right walking reduces the burden on the Pancreas in producing the insulin. excess glucose is spent by the muscles. Know the right walking

2 komentar:

  1. Healthy are: what foods to eat tasty and delicious, restful sleep anywhere, and bowel movements each day smoothly

  2. Sehat adalah : Makan apa aja uenak dan nikmat, tidur dimana saja bisa nyenyak dan nikmat dan terakhir buang air besar setiap pagi lancar dan nikmat
